Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace - The Ultimate Edition[CD] (日期:2012-03-15)
發行商:Sony Music Entertainment (Hong Kong) Ltd.
絕對是全球星球大戰迷們的好消息,不僅影史上最不朽的科幻經典鉅片重新搬上螢幕,更以3D特效處理,令人有著身歷其境之感!1999年5月19日上映,獲得極大迴響,伴隨密集的媒體宣傳攻勢,締造全球9億2千多萬的超吸金票房!美國電影學會頒發「終身成就獎」的導演George Lucas,開拍系列多部曲,在美國人心中擁有崇高地位,也一再打破美國本土以及世界多項票房紀錄。片中Liam Neeson、Ewan McGregor、Natalie Portman...等大明星們,聲勢也跟著水漲船高!榮獲第72屆奧斯卡「最佳音效」、「最佳視覺效果」、「最佳聲效混音」等獎項入圍肯定。劇情描述:貪婪之貿易聯邦發動機械人軍隊大舉侵略和平的那卜星,絕地武士們為了保護艾米達拉皇后,將與西斯大帝達斯魔展開一場緊張的對決。金魁剛發現年僅七歲的安納金天行者,身懷平衡宇宙“原力”的使命,決定訓練他成為一名絕地武士捍衛星球!
曾贏得第42屆葛萊美「最佳電影原聲帶」提名的《星球大戰首部曲:威脅潛伏》,於美國摘下白金唱片+英國金唱片認證。交付身擁5座奧斯卡+4座金球+21座葛萊美獎肯定的傳奇大師John Williams全權操控,不僅《星球大戰》系列配樂膾炙人口且留下深刻印象,另外《大白鯊》、《超人》、《E.T.》、《辛德勒的名單》、《侏儸紀公園》、《法櫃奇兵系列》、《哈利波特系列》...等超過百部影片,都替約翰樹立全新里程碑,贏得四面八方的如雷掌聲!約翰待在享譽全球的錄音室Abbey Road Studios之中一個星期,全神貫注為了原聲帶中的每個細節處理,請到倫敦交響樂團伴奏。並且邀獲合作愉快且負責伴我一生、X戰警3:最後戰役、快樂腳...等百餘部電影的混音大師Shawn Murphy協助。其中以梵文編寫的詠嘆戰歌〈Duel Of The Fates〉,氣勢磅礡撼動人心,層次鮮明的曲式排列,一再激發最澎湃的音樂浪潮;曲末的謝幕作〈Augie's Great Municipal Band And End Credits〉,滿溢著歡樂的東方喜慶味道,巧妙剪貼《星球大戰》熟悉主題旋律,精彩萬分!《星球大戰首部曲:威脅潛伏》將再次震撼視聽雙感官,準備好享受一趟史無前例的刺激冒險星際旅程吧!
1Fox Fanfare
2Star Wars Main Title
3Boarding the Federation Battleship
4Death Warrant for Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan
5Fighting the Destroyer Droids
6Queen Amidala Warns the Federation
7The Droid Invasion
8Swimming to Otoh Gunga
9Inside the Bubble City
10Attack of the Giant Fish
11Darth Sidious
12The Giant Squid and the Attack on Theed
13Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan Rescue the Queen
14Fighting the Guards
15Escape from Naboo
16Enter Darth Maul
17The Arrival at Tatooine
18Street Band of Mos Espa
19Padme Meets Anakin
20Desert Winds
21Jar Jar's Run In with Sebulba
22Anakin's Home and the Introduction to Threepio
23Darth Sidious and Darth Maul
24Talk of PodRacing
25Watto's Deal - Shmi and Qui-Gon Talk
26Anakin, PodRacer Mechanic
27The Racer Roars to Life - Anakin's Midi-Chlorian Count
28Darth Maul and The Sith Spacecraft
29Mos Espa Arena Band
30Watto's Roll of the Die
31The Flag Parade
32Sebulba's Dirty Hand - Qui-Gon's Pep Talk
33Anakin Defeats Sebulba
34Hail to the Winner, Anakin Skywalker
35The Street Singer
1Anakin is Free
2Qui-Gon and Darth Maul Meet
3Anakin and Group to Coruscant
4The Queen and Palpatine
5High Council Meeting
6The Senate
7Anakin's Test
8Qui-Gon's Mission - Obi-Wan's Warning
9Nute and Rune Confer with Darth Sidious
10The Queen and Group Land at Naboo
11Jar Jar Leads Group to the Gungans
12War Plans
13Darth Sidious Receives News of the Gungan's Army
14The Gungan's March
15The Queen and Her Group Sneak Back to the Palace
16The Battle Begins
17The Republic Pilots Take Off Into Space
18Activate the Droids
19The Gungans Fight Back
20The Duel Begins
21Anakin Takes Off In Spaceship
22The Duel Continues
23The Battle Rages On
24Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan and Darth Maul Continue Battle
25Qui-Gon, Darth Maul, and the Invisible Wall
26The Gungan's Retreat and the Queen Surrenders
27The Death of Qui-Gon and the Surrender of the Gungans
28The Tide Turns - The Death of Darth Maul
29The Queen Confronts Nute and Rune
30The Funeral of Qui-gon
31The Parade
32End Credits
0Star Wars Theme
0Duel of the Fates
0Anakin's Theme
33Duel of the Fates (Dialogue Version)