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Sousa : Music For Wind Band, Vol.1
Sousa : Music For Wind Band, Vol.1

歌手: Nil

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Sousa : Music For Wind Band, Vol.1 [CD] 
售價($): HK$58 (US$)
發行商:拿索斯國際(遠東) 唱片公司

產品語言: 其他語言
March: Hands across the Sea
01. March: Hands across the Sea

March: Manhattan Beach
02. March: Manhattan Beach

Suite: Looking Upward
03. By the Light of the Polar Star
04. Beneath the Southern Cross
05. Mars and Venus

March: The Invincible Eagle
06. March: The Invincible Eagle

March: Hail to the Spirit of Liberty
07. March: Hail to the Spirit of Liberty

Waltz: Colonial Dames
08. Waltz: Colonial Dames

March: Imperial Edward
09. March: Inperial Edward

March: Foshay Tower (Washington Memorial)
10. March: Foshay Tower (Washington Memorial)
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總數: 1


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US$1 = HK$7.8
RMB$1 = HK$1.1



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