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傳奇魔法師 - 梅林傳奇 (第一季) (第一輯)
The Adventure of Merlin (Season 1) (Volume 1)

演員: 兒童片

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片長: 180分鐘
此劇集在香港亦於本月份開始在Hallmark Channel首播,扣人心弦的劇情,讓人目眩的特技及英俊的王子必能吸引觀眾的注意。InnoForm Media隆重推出首季的第一輯DVD Boxset。


傳奇魔法師 - 梅林傳奇 (第一季) (第一輯) (第1- 4集) [DVD] 
售價($): HK$240 (US$)

屏幕: 1.33:1
碟數: 2
地區碼: 3
音效: Dolby Digital
影像: NTSC
字幕: 中文(繁體),英文,馬來西亞文
語言: 英語
碟數: 雙

片長: 180分鐘
Magic is his destiny...

Episode 1: The Dragon's Call
With the arrival of a young warlock in Camelot a legend is born, Merlin.
Merlin a young boy with magical powers arrives at the city of Camelot to look for the Court Physician, Gauis. By chance, Merlin uses magic to save Gauis from a fall and is warned that his action can get him killed. In the city of Camelot, Merlin meets a young maid, Gwen and Prince Arthur whom he later serves.

Episode 2: Valiant
A Knight with a shield of magical snakes arrives in Camelot with one mission; to kill Arthur.
The evil Knight Valiant with a shield of magical snakes is out to kill Arthur. Meanwhile a disgruntled Merlin is getting to grips with his many arduous duties as Arthur's new servant. Arthur is not impressed with Merlin's lack of talent for the job. Merlin uncovers Valiant... ...
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傳奇魔法師 - 梅林傳奇 (第一季) (第二輯) (第5-8集) [DVD] 
售價($): HK$169 (US$)

屏幕: 1.33:1
碟數: 2
地區碼: 3
音效: Dolby Digital
影像: NTSC
字幕: 中文(繁體),英文,馬來西亞文
語言: 英語
碟數: 雙

片長: 180分鐘
Magic is his destiny...

Episode 5: Lancelot
A young man arrives in Camelot. His name? Lancelot.
Merlin is attacked by a terrifying creature and is saved by Lancelot. Lancelot wants to serve the King as a knight. However only those of nobility are able to; Lancelot is not. How will Merlin help Lancelot prove that he is worthy of the knighthood.

Episode 6: A Remedy to Cure All Ills
When a rival physician comes to town, Gaius has to choose between Uther's life and keeping Merlin's secret.
Lady Morgana is very ill. Gaius tries to find a cure for it without knowing that it is due to magic. Another physician, Edwin uses magic secretly to cure Morgana. It is too late when Gaius discovers that Edwin is going to revenge on Uther who killed his parents. Can Merlin save Uther?

Episode 7: The Gates of Avalon
When Arthur becomes besotted with a mysterious girl, he stands to lose more than just his heart.
Morgana dreams of Arthur's death at the hands of a beautiful girl and tells Gaius. Arthur befriended a girl Sophia and soon neglects his duties. Unknown to Arthur, Sophia is out to kill. Arthur is in danger. Can Merlin save him in time? Morgana's dream has come true. Does it mean that she has magic powers too?

Episode 8: The Beginning of the End
Merlin is forced to choose between a young Druid's life and his destiny to protect Arthur.
Merlin hears the cries for help of a young Druid through telepathy. Merlin hides him with the help of Morgana. Uther has ordered death to the young Druid and whoever is hiding him. The young Druid is caught and imprisoned. The Dragon warns Merlin that the young Druid will eventually bring the downfall of Arthur. Will Merlin choose to save the young Druid's life?
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傳奇魔法師 - 梅林傳奇 (第一季) (第三輯) (第9 - 13集) [DVD] 
售價($): HK$168 (US$)

屏幕: 1.33:1
碟數: 2
地區碼: 3
音效: Dolby Digital
影像: NTSC
字幕: 中文(繁體),英文,馬來西亞文
語言: 英語
碟數: 雙

片長: 約225分鐘
Episode 9: Excalibur
A mysterious Knight rises from the dead, uncovering a secret that Uther would rather stayed buried.

Episode 10: The Moment of Truth
Merlin, Arthur, Morgana and Gwen join forces to save Merlin's village from a ruthless group of bandits.

Episode 11: The Labyrinth of Gedref
When Arthur kills a unicorn, a curse descends on Camelot. Could this be the end for the mythic city?

Episode 12: To Kill the King
When Gwen suffers tragedy at Uther's hand, Morgana becomes hell bent on revenge.

Episode 13: Morte D'Arthur
As Arthur's life hangs in the balance, Merlin is the only one who can save him - but at what cost?
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總數: 3


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