Thrills, spills... and a handful of pills. It all adds up to one of the most spectacular car chases in motion picture history! Barry Newman stars as Kowalski, the last American hero, who sets out to prove that he can drive from Denver to San Francisco in just fifteen hours. Along the way, he meets an old prospector (Dean Jagger), a snake worshipper, a nude woman on a motorcycle, and a blind D.J. (Cleavon Little) who "sees" danger ahead in this super-charged, action-packed adventure!
極樂狂飆 (加長版) (藍光版)[Blu-ray] (日期:9999-12-30)
發行商:20th Fox Home Entertainment
碟數: 1
解像度: 1080p
地區碼: A
音效: Dolby Digital 5.1,DTS,DTS-HD Master Audio
影像: NTSC
字幕: 中文(繁體),英文,西班牙文
語言: 英語,西班牙語,法語