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Team Hi-5
Team Hi-5

演員: 兒童片 Hi-5

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One, two, three, four - get your feet down on the floor! Five, six, seven, eight - move it now - no time to wait!
Calling all Mini -Hi5ers: Everyone wants to be healthy and happy and there's no better way than moving and grooving with Team Hi-5. It's skills with thrills so you can grow strong, keep active, feel fit and have fun.

Join Sun on her quest to conquer the monkey bars. Help Charli be the ultimate beach lifesaver Watch Tim get a workout playing percussion Go fishing for a special catch with Nathan And cheer on Kellie as she dribbles and shoots in a basketball challenge.

So get ready to join the team that's on track for fitness and fun: Team Hi-5!


Team Hi-5 [DVD] 
售價($): HK$88 (US$)

碟數: 1
屏幕: 1.33:1
地區碼: 3
音效: Dolby Digital
分級: I
影像: NTSC,DVD-5
字幕: 英文
語言: 英語
此貨品暫時售罊,直至另行通知. 購買

總數: 1


神奇校車 - 花蝴蝶與泥塘怪
The Magic School Bus - Butterfly and the Bog Beast

Hi-5 Series 7 Vol. 8 - Some Kind of Wonderful
Hi-5 Series 7 Vol. 8 - Some Kind of Wonderful

神奇校車 - 肌肉的運作
The Magic School Bus - Flexes Its Muscles

Hi-5 Come On and Party
Hi-5 Come On and Party


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US$1 = HK$7.8
RMB$1 = HK$1.1



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