內容: Steve McQueen slams his motorcycle into high gear and leads the way in The Great Escape, a thrill-packed adventure that blends top stars, a ture-life WWII saga and Hollywood's gift for storytelling into a bravura, blockbuster entertainment. The place: a high-security German P.O.W. camp. The year:1942. 'With your cooperation, we may all sit out the war very comfortably.' announces the German commandant to his prisoners. Fat chance. The camp holds only known troublemarkers and risktakers - Allied soldiers determined to pull off the war's most daring escape. Joinin McQueen are James Garner, Richard Attenborough, Charles Bronson and James Coburn. They all give outstanding performances, but it's top-billed McQueen off the wall of his solitary prison cell or gunning his bike cross-country with a horde of guards in pursuit, it's easy to see why The Great Escape made McQueen a great star.
第三集中營[DVD] (日期:2000-03-31)
發行商:Sino Field Holding Ltd.
碟數: 1
屏幕: 1.33:1
地區碼: All
音效: Dolby Digital
影像: NTSC
字幕: 中文(繁體),英文,印尼文
語言: 英語